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Decode Body Messages

Innate Healing

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine






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Christine Shen

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Decode Body Messages

Innate Healing

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal

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Health Issues

Infertility Acupuncture


Gut Health



Northern Beaches



Neutral Bay








Spring Tune Up

7:25 pm 22 August 2022 Christine-Shen 0 Comments

1. You have noticed an increase in headaches in recent times, which appear to get worse when you are not active. These headaches tend to manifest themselves at the top of your head.

2. You may find yourself feeling constipated or bloated. Your stools may become irregular, alternately with constipation and loose stools. Hard, hard stools that look stony also indicate an imbalance in the liver.

3. Your friends or colleagues fear you because you are grumpy, grumpy, grumpy. When the liver's energy is unbalanced, you may feel restless, irritated and generally unwell. Sometimes the irritation can become anger quicker than it would be if this energy flowed smoothly.

4. Ladies, you may notice your PMS symptoms have been worse lately. Bloating, breast tenderness, sensitivity...you can blame all of the above on your liver. If your periods are more painful or clotted, this is also due to a stagnation of liver energy.

5. Your eyes are red, itchy or irritated.

6. Your shoulders, neck, or jaw are uncomfortably tight. If the liver energy is out of balance, it can flow upward. The liver can get everything up in your body. You can squeal or clench your teeth, your shoulders can levitate around your ears, and you may experience MDS symptoms.

7. You have severe allergies, itchy eyes, and tears.

If you have any such problems, your body requires a visit to your acupuncturist!

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