Rainbow Medicine Clinic Insomnia

Rainbow Chinese Medicine Insomnia

Rainbow Acupuncture Insomnia

Rainbow Medicine Acupuncture Insomnia

Rainbow Medicine Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Rainbow Health Chinese Medicine Clinic Insomnia

Acupuncture Manly Insomnia

Acupuncture Northern Beaches Insomnia

Acupuncture Balgowlah Insomnia

Acupuncture Lane Cove Insomnia

Acupuncture Cremorne Insomnia

Acupuncture Longueville Insomnia

Acupuncture Sydney Insomnia

Acupuncture Clinic Insomnia

Rainbow Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Rainbow Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Balgowlah Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Northwood Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Lane Cove Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Lane Cove Healing Centre Insomnia

Lane Cove Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Lane Cove Natural Therapies Insomnia

Lane Cove Massage Insomnia

Lane Cove TCM Clinic Insomnia

Lane Cove Acupuncture Insomnia

Lane Cove Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Health Space Lane Cove Acupuncture Insomnia

Massage Lane Cove Insomnia

Dr Shen TCM Clinic Insomnia

Dr Shen Acupuncture Insomnia

Longueville Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Longueville Acupuncture Insomnia

Longueville TCM Clinic Insomnia

Rainbow IVF Acupuncture Insomnia

Rainbow Fertility Acupuncture Insomnia

Balgowlah Acupuncture Insomnia

Balgowlah Fertility Acupuncture Insomnia

Chinese Herbal Medicine Lane Cove Insomnia

Herbal Medicine Balgowlah Insomnia

Herbal Medicine Northern Beaches Insomnia

Herbal Medicine North Shore Insomnia

Bio-de-codification and Natural herbal medicine Service in Sydney Insomnia

TCM Clinic Insomnia

Traditional Chinese Medicine Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture Balgowlah Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture Lane Cove Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture Longueville Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture Northern Beaches Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture North Shore Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture Balgowlah Rainbow Medicine Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture Northern Beaches Rainbow Medicine Insomnia

Fertility IVF Herbal Acupuncture North Shore Rainbow Medicine Insomnia

Crows Nest Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Crows Nest Healing Centre Insomnia

Crows Nest Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Crows Nest Natural Therapies Insomnia

Crows Nest Massage Insomnia

Crows Nest TCM Clinic Insomnia

Crows Nest Acupuncture Insomnia

Crows Nest Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Crows Nest Psychotherapy Insomnia

Crows Nest Sound Healing Insomnia

Manly Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Manly Healing Centre Insomnia

Manly Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Manly Natural Therapies Insomnia

Manly Massage Insomnia

Manly TCM Clinic Insomnia

Manly Acupuncture Insomnia

Manly Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Manly Psychotherapy Insomnia

Manly Sound Healing Insomnia

Manly Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Manly Healing Centre Insomnia

Mosman Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Mosman Natural Therapies Insomnia

Mosman Massage Insomnia

Mosman TCM Clinic Insomnia

Mosman Acupuncture Insomnia

Mosman Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Mosman Psychotherapy Insomnia

Mosman Sound Healing Insomnia

Chatswood Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Chatswood Natural Therapies Insomnia

Chatswood Massage Insomnia

Chatswood TCM Clinic Insomnia

Chatswood Acupuncture Insomnia

Chatswood Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Chatswood Psychotherapy Insomnia

Chatswood Sound Healing Insomnia

Neutral Bay Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Neutral Bay Natural Therapies Insomnia

Neutral Bay Massage Insomnia

Neutral Bay TCM Clinic Insomnia

Neutral Bay Acupuncture Insomnia

Neutral Bay Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Neutral Bay Psychotherapy Insomnia

Neutral Bay Sound Healing Insomnia

Cremorne Chinese Herbal Medicine Insomnia

Cremorne Natural Therapies Insomnia

Cremorne Massage Insomnia

Cremorne TCM Clinic Insomnia

Cremorne Acupuncture Insomnia

Cremorne Clinic of Acupuncture Insomnia

Cremorne Psychotherapy Insomnia

Cremorne Sound Healing Insomnia

Let us decode the body message & work out the best solution in the most natural & organic way. I am here to support you in finding your rainbow again. Insomnia

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Insomnia Acupuncture

Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a natural way to enjoy longer-lasting sleep without drugs or annoying sleep aids?

As you know, waking up during the night can wreak havoc on your metabolism and energy levels...

And it can have a devastating effect on your mood and memory.

So, if you're not getting enough sleep and it's becoming a REAL problem in your day-to-day life, here's some exciting news...

Studies have shown that acupuncture can help with insomnia:

  • Increase secretion of melatonin hormone that regulates sleep cycle.
  • Promote the blood circulation in the cerebrum.
  • Relax the lower sympathetic nerve system

From Chinese medicine perspective, the key pathologies for insomnia are

  • Stomach pathology:according to classical text of Chinese medicine,” when stomach is in disharmony, the sleep can not be sound”
  • Heart Yang fire is weak on top which can not descend to be rooted in kidney water. Therefore mind stays active on top
Make sure to reach out to Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist at Rainbow Medicine clinic in Balgowlah to get your beauty sleep.
