provides special Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Holistic Psychotherapy services:
Endometriosis is one of the most common causes of pelvic pain that we see here at Rainbow.It can seriously affect a person's capacity to conceive and cause painful, heavy or irregular periods. Based on recent research, acupuncture together with moxibustion can relief the pain of endometriosis
Acupuncture can promote the blood flow to the uterus, balance the hormone and increase the chance of conceiving naturally.
IVF Support
Acupuncture supports embryo transfer before and after IVF. Acupuncture promotes ovulation, reduce inflammation and calm the nervous system.
Pregnancy Acupuncture
Rainbow Medicine clinic supports your throughout your pregnancy journey from first trimester morning sickness, to third trimester back pain, breech baby, inducing labour if baby is overdue and supporting to have easy labour.
Emotional Management Acupuncture
Emotional stress is very common in the daily living. When it is unmanageable, acupuncture can induce happiness hormone to calm the nervous system and give you a renewed sense of self.
Most of the digestive issues are caused by the imbalance between spleen and stomach. Chinese herbal medicine has special formulas to treat IBS, diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting and acid reflux.
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