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Let us decode the body message & work out the best solution in the most natural & organic way. I am here to support you in finding your rainbow again. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a professional, nationally recognised health treatment developed through refining thousands of years of clinical experience and research.
Acupuncture uses fine, single-use needles to stimulate your body's self-healing functions to return you to optimal health. Treatment with acupuncture is comfortable and relaxing and can effectively treat various health issues, from pain to insomnia and infertility.
Acupuncture philosophy is based on the understanding that good health depends on an abundant and free-flowing energy source.
According to TCM, Qi flows through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. These meridians and energy flows are accessible through 365 acupuncture points in the body. Inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations will bring the energy flow back into balance. The human body is a mini Universe. We have twelve months in that year and 12 meridians in our body, and we have 365 days to match the 365 points in the body.
A 2017 review suggests that many acupuncture points are the sites where stimulation can affect the activity of multiple sensory neurons. These sites are also known as receptive fields.
The physical stimulation of the needle insertion at these sites may affect pain processing in the central nervous system and muscles and increase blood flow to specific body parts.
Acupuncture meridians mirror the anatomical pathways of the nervous system. It can stimulate your body to produce energy more efficiently or redirect circulation to bring you back to a balanced state.
This alleviates your symptoms and corrects the underlying problem that led to them in the first place instead of just treating the presenting symptom.
For example, suppose an 80-year-old lady is experiencing tinnitus. In that case, it is often associated with Kidney as it manifests in the ears. Acupuncturists will work on the kidney channel to nourish kidney essence and quiet the tinnitus.
A Chinese Medicine practitioner may also use Chinese herbs to strengthen and support the healing.